Wednesday 24 August 2011

Kami Chama Karin

Total Episode : 26
Years : 2004
Category : Magical Girls, Comedy, Action
This story is about a little girls named Karin, after her parent die she live with her aunt and she don't really remember much about her parent. The only thing that she have from her parent is a picture and a ring. Little that she know that the ring is a magical ring that contain a power of a gods. After a while a young boy came and explain that the ring can transform her to a gods. And she now had to join a battle with other gods and also learn about the truth between her ring and her past.

This is Karin and she is a middle school girls and had ring that allow her to transform into a gods mode. She is very loud and always speak her mind out loud without thinking and always course trouble to everyone but she had a kind hard and want to help other. 

Sakura Diaries

Total Episode : 12
Years: 2005
Category : School Life, Romance, Love Comedy.

This story is about a young man name Tauma that came from village to the Tokyo for his exam to the University. Before the night before his exam a girls name Sakura came to his room and pretend to be a cowgirls. The girls is actually Tauma cousin and she want to see him, Tauma don't recognize her and sent her away. Tauma had fail the exam and try to go the cram school and he will stay with Sakura family, he saw shock to see Sakura and the house and learn the truth about that night. Little that Touma know that Sakura actually fall in love with him. So the drama begin between Touma and Sakura.

This is Sakura and she is a high school girls and she love Touma very much that she will anything to please him. 

This is Tauma and after his fail his University exam, he go to the Cram school in Tokyo. He is very dull and don't relies thing that around him. He also like to thing before he do it.

Thursday 14 July 2011

Girls High

Total Episode : 12
Years : 2006
Category : Comedy, School Life, Slice of life


This story is about a high school girls named Eriko Takahashi who just started her life as a high school girls at Yamasaki Girls Academy. Before she officially enroll to that school, Eriko along with her friend Yuma Suzuki and Ayano Sato sneak in to the school to feel what is like to go there. After they find out the true about the school Eriko run and bums with another girls group that have the same idea with them. The girls mistaken Eriko as a sempai because she wearing the high school uniform, as the girls want to know about how life at that school there Eriko tell them lie and pretend that she from that school. After the school ceremony she meet Akari Kouda , Kyoko Himeji and Ikue Ogawa the group the she meet earlier, although Himeji and Ogawa forgive Eriko but Kouda doesn't. So the battle between Eriko and Kouda began, but not long after that both girls was punish to clean a storeroom and was look in. Eriko and Kouda trapped in the storeroom and they learn about each other, after the accident the six girls become good friend.

Now lets us know about some of the character in this story.
This Eriko Takahashi and she is the main character in this story, she a very positive girls and she really take a good care of her friend and always help them. Sometime you can not really knows weather she is very smart or stupid.

This is Akari Kouda and she also one of the main character in this story, she not very smart but she do love her friend and she also like to act because she had a dream about being an actor. Well she like a comedy guy in her group an like to make her friend laugh although her joke a very bad.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Ramen Fighter Miki

Total Episode : 12
Years : 2006
Category : Comedy, Fighting, Life
This story began at the Hanaminachi Shopping Street, this story is about a young girls named Onimaru Miki that work in Onimaru Ramen Shop. Next to the shop there are a vegetable shop that own by Ohta, and at the front of the Ramen Shop there are a Bread Shop own by a young girls named Kannazuki Megumi that is also a childhood friend of Miki and rival. Everyday Miki will have to face Megumi with her skewer throwing skill and she also have to face Kankuro the guy that always say nyaa for some reason and don't forget she also have to face Toshiyuki the dog. This is the routine that Miki have to deal everyday.

It is very entertaining story and you always feel to watch it although you may know what to happen next.

Haaahahaaa so just enjoy the show that I always says. 

Saturday 2 July 2011

Mars Day Break

Total Episode : 26
Years : 2004
Category : Action, Mecca, Battleships, Adventures


This story began with a young man named Gram who is just a normal people that was working on one day at one of the Mars water city. But sadly he just work only one day and he already been fired, life was hard in Mars and will he was walking he meet a person that want he do a little job but he refuse it. Just before that person left a boy that was under Gram care offer himself to do the job. Gram heard the news and try to stop the boy before he join them to do that job, but while he was stopped them a pirate ship name the ship of Aurora smash the city wall and Gram fall into the water and suddenly a RB (Under Water Robot) came and rescue him to the ship of Aurora. That is where he meet Captain Elizabeth the captain of that ship. He join the pirate and learn that their a actually a good people. After a while when he was in the water city he meet his old girlfriend name Vestemona and she is a military officer. While Vestemona tried to catch him, Gram kiss her and at that moment she was determine to catch him. While he join the pirate he start to find the true about Mars and himself, and the journey start to find the past about Mars and Gram connection.
Lets See the character 
This is Vestemona and she is the heroin in this story, she is Gram ex-girlfriend and she also a military officer that was sigh to captured The Ship Of Aurora. She also want to kill Gram because he do not take her with him.
This is Gram and he the main character for this story, he is RB pilot of The Ship Of Aurora and also the decedent of the Mars original people. He dream to have his own city ship.

Martian Successor Nadesico

Total Episode : 26
Years : 1999
Category : Mecca, Fighting, Comedy, Love Comedy


This story is about a young man name Tenkawa Akito that live in Mars, one day an alien call Jovians came from Jupiter and attack the Mars. Akito live and he was found on Earth, after a year the Jovians came the people on Earth had adapt to the situation, but Akito had a trauma after the attack. One day the Jovians come attack the city that Akito work he was scare and was fired from his work. When he was cycle home he meat his childhood friend named Misumaru Yurika but he don’t recognize her at first but want he saw a picture of he and Yurika he remember her. He cased Yurika at end up at the military base and end up as a cook on the ship named Nadesico, later he meet a young man named Daigoji Gai but that not his real name. His real name is Yamada Jiro and he is a Gekiganger and also a pilot for the Aestivalis a battle robot on the Nadesico. Before the Nadesico take off the Jovians come and attack the base and Akito is forced to pilot the Aestivalis to fight the Jovians and the journey to Mars begin.

Wow a chef that turn into a pilot, That we don't see everyday

Hahahahahaaaa nice robot through  

Kage Kara Mamoru

Total Episode : 12
Years : 2006
Category : Comedy, Action, Ninja, Love Comedy


Kage Kara Mamoru is a story about a family/clan that have been protecting the Konnyaku family for the past 400 year. The main character in this story are Kagemori Mamoru the ninja that have to protect Konnyaku Yuna from any danger or harm. To make Mamoru life harder, Sawagashi Airi a good friend of Yuna always tried making prank on Mamoru. Not only that he also have to face Mapputatsu Tsubaki a samurai that came to take down Yuna because she thought Yuna is are evil, but after she have a battle with Mamoru, she now know that Yuna is a good person and she started to have feeling for him. After a while  another ninja come named Yamame-chan, she is a daughter of Mamoru mother friend. She always like Mamoru from their were little, not long after that another female ninja named Kumogakure Hotaru came. She is a ninja from other clan that want to take revenge on Kagemori family, but she couldn’t do the mission because she started to fell in love with Mamoru. On one day Yuna had an accident and got hurt, so the Kagemori family want Mamoru to be replace with another ninja. Hinomori Tasuke the ninja that will replacing Mamoru have a different agenda on the Konnyaku Yuna. Mamoru now have to stop Tasuke and protect Yuna life, while Mamoru are battling with Tasuke, Yuna have find out Mamoru secret that he is a ninja. But luckily for Mamoru, Yuna fell down hitting her head and forgot all that have happen including Mamoru secret. Now thing go back as always and Mamoru will keep protecting Yuna secretly.

Wow a ninja in a modern time.
Its must be fun with your family being a ninja
